Russia: Phoenix of History, Eagle of the Steppes, Master of Destiny
by Mohamed Lamine KABA on 21 Oct 2024 0 Comment

Zelenski, the Ukrainian magician who promised victory with a wave of his hand… but forgot to mention he was playing with a stacked deck. Now, Ukraine is vanishing in a cloud of smoke, and the promises have flown away like doves.


Russia: Phoenix of History, Eagle of the Steppes, Master of Destiny


On the geopolitical stage, the West has orchestrated a proxy war, with Ukraine as the battleground and the Ukrainians as sacrificial pawns. The United States and Europe, the maestros of manipulation, have composed a symphony of lies and propaganda, conducting a chorus of condemnations against Russia. Zelenski, the fabricated hero, leads the orchestra of illusions, while Putin, the master of the Kremlin and arguably the most experienced statesman of the modern world, solidifies his leadership on the global geopolitical chessboard.


But behind the curtain, economic and geopolitical interests wage a fierce battle over gas, oil, national security, and spheres of influence. The West, blinded by its arrogance, believes it dominates the game, but Russia, the great overlooked power, patiently waits for its moment of truth. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, peace weeps, forgotten and sacrificed on the altar of power.


Zelensky: Broken promises, Ukraine in free fall


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky promised his people and the Western community swift and decisive results in the conflict with Russia. However, after months of fighting, those expectations have not been met. Far from the proclaimed victory, Ukraine stands on the brink of collapse, with a shattered economy and destroyed infrastructure. Ukrainians suffer from poverty, hunger, and fear.


Zelensky’s promises have proven illusory, and his leadership is marked by risky decisions and strategic mistakes. The Western community, which supported Ukraine, now needs to rethink its approach and demand realistic strategies to end the conflict and rebuild the country.


The Kursk Incursion in August 2024: A Classic Military Failure in Ukraine’s Conflict


Kursk, the theater of the absurd, where Ukraine and its Western sponsors performed their defeat with unprecedented mastery. An opera of conflict where the cries of victory gave way to the wails of despair. The recent Ukrainian incursion into the region has left the West perplexed and raised crucial questions about the dynamics of the conflict in Ukraine.


While the Ukrainian forces, seeking a strategic shift, took a significant risk by attacking Russian territory, their audacity was met with a strong and coordinated Russian response. This operation, far from being a display of bravery, turned out to be a major strategic blunder, highlighting Russia’s optimal military preparedness and unprecedented resilience in the face of the attack.


Russia’s defenses, rigorously strengthened over the years, effectively thwarted this attempted breakthrough. Exhausted by months of intense fighting, the Ukrainians were forced to retreat, abandoning their promise to liberate the occupied territories. This debacle is further exacerbated by the inaction of the Western allies, who, despite their declarations of unconditional support, remained passive in the face of this crushing failure. Ongoing clean-up operations in the region by Russian armed forces are advancing rapidly. However, this event raises a critical question about the future of operations: should military risks continue to be taken without guarantees of success, or should diplomatic solutions be considered?


The Kursk incursion serves as a brutal reminder that war is unpredictable and complex, and military efficiency alone does not guarantee victory. On one hand, this failure illustrates the Ukrainians’ willingness to take risks, but also their inability to surpass Russian military power. On the other hand, it reaffirms that Russia remains a formidable force, difficult to challenge.


This strategic reversal marks a significant turning point in the conflict, with potentially serious consequences for both Ukraine and its Western allies. A reconsideration of current approaches seems indispensable to determine the next steps in this conflict, marked by numerous uncertainties and crucial stakes.


This incursion is akin to a theater where Ukraine and the West jointly composed a symphony of defeat, with chords of disillusionment and refrains of despair. It is, in essence, a tomb of illusion where Ukraine and the West buried their hopes of victory and illusions of grandeur.


Russia: A Nation of Resilience and Cultural Wealth


In light of the above, we can deduce that, bolstered by its unwavering determination and prestigious heritage, Russia stands out with its resilient and diversified economy, driven by the natural resources of its vast territory. This nation, powerful through its vibrant culture and historical heritage, inspires the world through the literary works of Tolstoy and the musical compositions of Tchaikovsky. As a faithful guardian of collective memory, Russia honours its past while projecting itself toward a promising future, guided by the wisdom of its leaders and the indomitable strength of its people.


Marching resolutely toward new horizons, Russia asserts itself as a leading nation, illuminating the future with pride and ambition. One could say that Russia, this awakened giant, shakes Western powers from their dogmatic slumber. As lies collapse, the truth emerges: Russia is not the enemy, but the mirror that reflects the hypocrisies of the West. The information war may be lost, but the battle of history has just begun.


Mohamed Lamine KABA, Expert in geopolitics of governance and regional integration, Institute of Governance, Human and Social Sciences, Pan-African University, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”. Courtesy

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