Coming off Assassination Attempt and Republican Convention, Trump and Vance now poised to win Presidential Election
by Richard C Cook on 23 Jul 2024 0 Comment

Over the past month, epochal events have taken place that radically alter U.S. presidential politics. It began with President Joe Biden’s catastrophic performance in the June 27 debate against former president and Republican candidate Donald Trump, igniting calls by the mainstream media and a growing number of Democratic Party officials for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.


The next day, June 28, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the 1984 Chevron case by trimming the power of federal agencies to interpret the laws they administer and ruling that courts should use the judicial process to adjudicate ambiguous legislation This was a major blow to the decades-long power grab by the bureaucratic state, a blow that bolsters the credentials of Republican conservatives like those backing Trump.


On July 1, the Supreme Court ruled that Trump cannot be prosecuted for actions that were within his constitutional powers as president in a landmark decision recognizing for the first time any form of presidential immunity from prosecution. The ruling placed all the outstanding “lawfare” cases against Trump in jeopardy, with the first casualty being postponement of sentencing in his recent New York City May 30 felony conviction.


On Friday, July 11, at President Joe Biden’s press conference that closed the NATO 75th anniversary conference in Washington, D.C., Biden showed his confused mental state by introducing Ukraine’s Zelensky as “President Putin.”


Then came the BIG ONE.


On Saturday, July 13, Trump narrowly escaped death when wounded in an assassination attempt at a rally in Butler PA, where what the FBI claims was a shooter “acting alone” was killed by Secret Service return fire. Outrage and congressional hearings have erupted over questions on how the Secret Service could have permitted an open look at Trump from a rooftop only 150 yards away. Did the Secret Service “allow” it to happen? While the details of what took place are extremely murky, see here for my article on the Shadow Men and their 8-year anti-Trump vendetta that strongly appears to have culminated in the July 13 shooting.


Events marched on. On Monday, July 15, Judge Aileen Cannon threw out the government’s federal records case against Trump on the grounds that the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith as prosecutor was executive overreach in violation of the Constitution. Smith has appealed.


Later that day, Trump named a political newcomer, 39-year-old Ohio junior senator J.D. Vance, as his 2024 vice-presidential running mate. Vance addressed the convention the night of July 16 with an articulate pledge to work for America’s forgotten working men and women. At the convention, the Republicans also seemed to be adding to the MAGA slogan with “Make America Strong Again,” promising a commitment to border security and increases in the military budget.


On Tuesday, July 15, 2024, with the Republican National Convention still going on, Trump’s Atlanta election interference court case brought by discredited Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis was postponed until after the November election due to action by Trump’s legal team claiming prosecutorial irregularities.


Taken together, these events cumulatively have rendered it a near-certainty that Trump will be elected to replace Biden as president on November 5, 2024.


Meanwhile, Biden’s decrepitude, raising questions of who is really in charge in Washington, caused the influential retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor, head of the grassroots movement Our Country, Our Choice, to call for the presidential election to be held NOW, four months ahead of schedule.


Finally, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., continues to get himself placed on the ballot in states across the country, the latest being New York and North Carolina. Polls show Kennedy taking votes more from Biden than Trump, making it more likely for Trump to win swing states that could decide the election. Kennedy has also been instrumental in educating the public on the government’s malfeasance in fostering the COVID pandemic.


Then in a leaked call taking place July 15, Donald Trump phoned Kennedy and asked him to drop out of the race, with a vague suggestion that Kennedy might play a role in a new Trump administration. Kennedy declined. His candidacy could be decisive if he wins a plurality in a single swing state, taking that state’s electoral votes from both candidacies and throwing the election into the House of Representatives.


Another wild card: Major uncertainties exist as to whether the Democrats’ attempts to gain voters from the millions of illegal immigrants allowed to enter the country under Biden and his Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas will skew the election, or whether allegations may surface of voter fraud similar to what many Republicans still believe got Biden elected in 2020.


Biden, however, indicated in a speech this week that he would consider stepping down from the nomination if his doctors so advised, marking his first retreat from his stubborn insistence on staying in the race. Then on July 16, 2024, it was announced that Biden had tested positive for COVID. It was the third time he had done so. He said he would continue to do his job from his home in Wilmington, Delaware.


Thus while Trump and Vance ascend, Biden is dropping ever deeper into the shadows.


Taken together these events are displaying high political drama, with the future of the country and perhaps the world at stake.


So what is really going on, and where does the attempted assassination fit in? In my opinion, it was a warning by the Shadow Men and Deep State that even though Trump may win the election, they still have him in their sights in case he steps out of line. Or perhaps, as Dr. Naomi Wolf has suggested, First Lady Jill Biden “needs to be questioned.” See here


What Comes Next?


It would take a foolish person, and there are many such, to try to predict what happens next in such a volatile atmosphere. Obviously, Trump partisans view what has happened so far as startling, if not miraculous, in propelling their candidate to a likely return to the White House. Reportedly, many Democrats are viewing such an eventuality as inevitable, and I tend to agree.


So the debate now will be shifting to what will Trump and Vance do when they are elected? Will we see a repeat of Trump’s first term weaknesses and compromises? Maybe not, since many Trump supporters believe he then failed at attaining independence from the Washington, D.C., “swamp” he had pledged to drain, but will succeed this time around.


Three areas it seems the Trump/Vance administration is definitely planning to address are a) stopping the Biden/Mayorkas policy of uncontrolled illegal immigration; b) cutting U.S. funding for Ukraine in its Biden-instigated proxy war against Russia; c) recovering a degree of U.S. manufacturing capability from decades of outsourcing to Mexico, China, and other countries.


But there are many other major issues that Trump and Vance have yet to address.


I believe we can use the following list to gauge whether Trump and Vance truly intend to accomplish anything significant, or whether all their hype is just a smokescreen for more of the failed policies that have been leading America over the cliff into oblivion.


Here’s my own personal list:


Israel: Stop sending weapons to Israel, broker a total ceasefire in the Gaza War, and support a just and permanent solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.


The Federal Reserve: Support the legislative proposal by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) to abolish the Federal Reserve. Replace it with an indigenous U.S. monetary system along the lines of Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2011 NEED Act, a modern update of Lincoln’s Greenback currency. (See the Appendix to my book Our Country, Then and Now)


The “Plandemic”: Renounce and denounce the COVID "plandemic," admit how much Trump was snookered by Fauci, pledge to rip the guts out of FDA, NIH, and CDC, withdraw altogether from the WHO, and promise there will NEVER be a "plandemic" again.


The Military: “Make America Strong Again” by cutting the military budget in half, demilitarizing the country, getting rid of the Military-Hollywood-Complex, and stopping biowarfare spending and research.


Tax Policy: Use the Commerce Clause to drive BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and other predatory hedge funds out of existence and abolish tax exemptions for such scams as the Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc. Tax the rich for their fair share of government expenses. 


Deep State: Abolish the CIA and its NGOs, depoliticize the FBI, and stop all collusion with the international drug trade and globalist money laundering empires.


Big Pharma: Dismantle the drug industry and return medicine to serving, not killing off, the public.


Economics: Restore family farming, reinstate prohibitions on corporate abuses like leveraged buyouts and stock buybacks, made medical care truly affordable, and legislate a living wage and sustainable economic conditions for families.


Etc., etc., etc.


I could go on, and there are many such lists floating around, but you get the idea. Will Trump and Vance “get it,” or will the Shadow Men keep them, and our nation, in subjection to their globalist, genocidal agenda?


Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute.  Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023. Also see his American Geopolitical Institute articles at and his Three Sages Substack.


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