Iran Trap for Turkey
by Hasan Erel on 08 Jan 2025 0 Comment

Turkiye’s ruling party AKP’s work on the Greater Middle East Project gained momentum in the last period.


After a short commercial break, they returned to their real roles. The story of the 2011 Syria and 2013 Kurdish openings was released again. And this time with a huge production…


Saddam was overthrown in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya, Assad in Syria and now it is Iran’s turn.


In my previous article, I had written the title “A Saddam Trap is being set for Turkey”.


Now this title is starting to be filled with more substance. My biggest fear from the very beginning was that Turkey would be dragged into war against Iran. This would be the most profitable formula for the US and Israel. Although the malfunctions in the occupation of Iraq made them a little cold towards this formula, they never gave up.


In the articles I have read in the foreign press recently, it is frequently written that Turkey will not be content with just accepting a Kurdish state, but will later confront Iran. Under the leadership of Bahçeli, the decision to put terrorist leader Öcalan under house arrest and to make a new constitution is not only on the domestic agenda, but is actually an element of the foreign agenda.


As I said, this is a complete return to the Greater Middle East Project. NATO’s main party, the MHP, and its leader are doing their job. The AKP, which was brought in to replace Ecevit, who resisted the US during the Iraq invasion, is already on this path. Besides, there are no main opposition CHP leaders left who can stand against to this Project like the old days! The veteran TBMM has now turned into the Istanbul assembly during the armistice period in first World War.


The Debate in Iran


Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is like Hitler, is a man of his word. He does what he says on the UN platform. His main target is Iran, the director of the resistance axis in the region. He managed to overthrow the Damascus regime in cooperation with Ankara. More importantly, he pushed Iran back.


Tehran has been struggling since the downing of its chief’s helicopter by Mossad. After Palestine, it also lost Syria and Lebanon. Now, with a Netanyahu slave like Trump coming to power, it is preparing to be the target of attack. It could not carry out the Real Promise 3 operation it boasted about after Israel’s last attack.


Russia, on the other hand, is focused on bargaining with Trump over Ukraine and did not hesitate to sell out a critical ally like Syria for this purpose. It will sign a so-called strategic defense cooperation agreement with Iran, but it no longer has the credibility it once had. When the subject of Israel comes up, Putin turns into a cat that has spilled milk!


China, which signed a $425 billion strategic cooperation agreement with Iran, is also nowhere to be found. It is also concerned about its own Taiwan problem!


Iran is like a baby antelope being snatched from its helpless mother by hyenas in the Serengeti! But how will this attack happen?


Iran’s biggest trump card is that it is in a position to close the Strait of Hormuz in the event of a war. A significant portion of the world’s oil passes through here and if the strait is closed, prices will skyrocket, there will be a global crisis and the West will be devastated. Even when Yemen closed the Red Sea, things got really messy. Although the US, Israel and England bomb every other day, the Che Guevaras in slippers do not back down and continue to hit Tel Aviv.


Now, in addition to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, there are plans to put Egypt, which has been badly affected by this situation, forward. From what we hear, Sisi, who sold out Palestine and Syria, is now taking care of Yemen.


Back to the subject, the “best option” for Iran is to open a front through Turkey and Azerbaijan.


Thanks to NATO nationalists and neoliberal sectarian religious figures, the Turkish and Kurdish people in Iran will be used and divisions will be created from within! Just like in Syria, there are two borders that will fuel internal unrest, according to the US. Of course, Syria and Iran are not the same thing, Tehran is much stronger, but if Turkey is supported by the US, Israel, the collective West and all Al Qaeda etc., why not? I am absolutely certain that this terrible scenario is being worked on.


Iran is the last of the seven countries listed by Wesley Clark. The 8th country that Clark did not list is Turkey.


They will never say this or leak it, but I am absolutely certain. Even the grocer’s apprentice (pardon, if we update it, the supermarket cashier) knows about the plans to establish a Greater Israel and Puppet Kurdistan on the lands of Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran. This is where the Iran and Saddam trap comes into play. Just like Iraq, a Turkey that is made to fight Iran (which is already quite worn out in Syria) will be easy prey afterwards.


In fact, Ankara will easily be declared a terrorist country with what it has done in Syria on behalf of the West and Israel. The infrastructure for this is ready. Especially if a new sharia and federative constitution cooked up by parties in the parliament is paving the way for these. Remember Yugoslavia. It was the first victim after 1990 because it was ready to be divided with its federal structure.


I am absolutely certain that after Turkey, Russia will be next. Let Mr. Putin continue to negotiate with the US and Israel and expect what!?


Hasan Erel is a Turkish journalist-writer. He worked as a diplomacy and foreign news reporter and editor in TRT and other media for 30 years. He is a frequent commentator of Sputnik News radio and CRI Turk in Turkiye. 

The original source of this article is Global Research. Copyright © Hasan Erel, Global Research, 2025. Courtesy

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