The Bullets of an Assassin
by Christopher Black on 19 Jul 2024 0 Comment

The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Saturday, July 13.  Dark forces are at play that want the war against Russia to continue, and they are willing to be ruthless, to murder even their own leaders if it means they can get their way, and if they can do that, what will they not do? We have entered a very dangerous time.


The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Saturday, July 13.  Shot by a sniper at a campaign rally in a small town in Pennsylvania, Presidential candidate and former President Trump survived by a hair’s breadth as the assassin’s bullets just missed the centre of his head, which he moved as he spoke, and hit his ear as it whistled by. Photos of the bullet can be seen in many posts online.  Trump went to the ground of his own accord and it seemed to be seconds before any security people began to surround him, and then after assuring themselves the sniper was “neutralised” brought him to his feet, at which Trump, to assure the world he was still alive, raised his fist in salute and shouted in defiance at those who tried to murder him, “fight, fight, fight.”


Who is Responsible?


Those who are behind this assassination, for no one can believe that this sniper acted alone, are exposed by the news coverage and political statements made after the shooting. CNN stands for most of the US media, attempting to downplay the crime as an “incident,” running headlines that he suffered a “fall”, without stating the cause, even interviewing talking heads who called for “unity” in the face of an attempt on the life of the main opposition candidate, one of whom accused Trump’s defiant raised fist as more proof of how dangerous a man he is to “American democracy.” Similar treatment was given to the crime by other US mass media.


To watch the news coverage immediately after the shooting was a journey into a parallel world where the BBC, which had reporters there covering the events, interviewed multiple witnesses stating that they saw the sniper go towards the building and climb onto the roof, that they alerted the police and Secret Service near them, but that the security services did not react at all until after the shooting took place, and all of them stated they were sure the police and Secret Service had to be involved.


But if you went back to CNN, the only thing they were showing was some “expert in security” talking about proper security protocols as if the identity and motives of the assassin were of no importance nor how he could get so close to Trump without being stopped.


Mass Media Coverage


The US mass media also ran a number of stories to placate people, the type of story that goes, “ah, it’s no big deal, there have been assassinations before, it’s as American as apple pie.” You have to read this stuff to believe it.


The questions increased the next morning, the 14 of July, when the BBC reported that the FBI claimed to have identified the sniper, but how they did it is a mystery. The BBC stated, “Thomas Crooks had not been carrying ID, so investigators used DNA to identify him, the FBI said.”


I use the BBC, as they provide us with more information than the US media. CNN for example claimed the FBI had identified the sniper as Thomas Crooks, but did not say how they did it.  With good reason because as the BBC stated, “There is the awkward question of how was this massive lapse of security allowed to happen.”


“The buck stops with the 7000-strong Secret Service whose primary job is to protect US presidents, both serving and former.”


“Guns are easy to come by in America – there are roughly three for every member of the population – but how was it the shooter was able to bear-crawl along a rooftop, armed with a rifle, to get to within 130m of Donald Trump?”


“Why were warnings from the public ignored or not acted on? And why, people will ask, when a highly charged presidential election is just four months away, did the Secret Service not do a better job of protecting the man many believe will be America’s next president?”


Unanswered Questions


But the BBC failed to ask this vital question,


How did the FBI identify a man unknown to them, by using DNA since they did not know who this person was in the first place? So how could they search for his DNA in some database if they did not know who he was? Did they conduct some random DNA search of DNA databases?  Which databases? That would take more than a few hours. Or is the FBI telling us this young man had his DNA in some database? I am supposed to believe that?  How did his DNA get into some database? When? Why? They don’t have mine. Do they have yours, most of you?


Thomas Crooks’ father, from what we have been fed, appears confused about his son’s claimed actions. Has he even identified the body of the sniper as his son? We are not told.


They also claim today to have found explosives in the young man’s car, a young man with no history of violence or activism. If he is the sniper, if he was involved, then he had to have help getting explosives, had to know where and when the Trump rally was to be, had to know where Trump was likely to stand, and, since we are told he fired his rifle from about 130 metres away and seemed to be a very good shot at that distance because he hit the target from a distance of more than the length of a football field, and as witnesses describe while crawling, he must have had training and expertise to make the shot.  How that young man acquired that, no one in the US media seems interested in.


Echoes from the Past


On 29 December 1170, the Archbishop of Canterbury was assassinated by several knights on behalf of King Henry II, who said to them beforehand words to the effect of, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”


On Monday, July 8, during a call with leading Democratic donors, Biden said: “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye.”


Democrats in the US ridicule their Republican rivals for being fixated on this statement and the result a few days later, claiming it is absurd. But the question remains, who would have benefitted from Trump’s death? The answer is obvious. We remember what Biden said about North Stream, that he would destroy it, and so it was done.


The entire campaign against Trump from 2016 until this crime has been to eliminate him from the position of president by hook or by crook. They have failed to get rid of him with legal attacks. They have tried to put the opposition leader in prison almost every day under various pretexts. Are they now surprised people put two and two together and come up with four, that this is the real face of American “democracy”?


Perhaps we will never know the truth about this attempt to murder Donald Trump, but it is likely that since this attempt failed, there will be another, and whether Biden and his cronies were involved or not, or just some “rogue” elements who do not like Trump, his supporters will be convinced the Democrats were behind it and the deep state figures acting in the shadows. Independents could swing over to him in disgust as a result of this act, which means the risk to his life grows as Biden’s campaign splinters into chaos.


The problem for the rest of the world is that what happens in the US does not stay there. Chaos in the USA can bring chaos everywhere. Worse, it means that dark forces are at play that want the war against Russia and China to continue, and they are willing to be ruthless, to murder even their own leaders if it means they can get their way, and if they can do that, what will they not do? We have entered a very dangerous time.


Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto. He is known for a number of high-profile war crimes cases and recently published his novel Beneath the Clouds. He writes essays on international law, politics and world events, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.” Courtesy

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