Political Revolution and Self-Deceit – II
by Raymond Zwarich on 11 Jul 2016 0 Comment

The ‘Right Wing’ is NOT our Enemy


Professor Solomon urges us to fight ‘the Right Wing’, which has, at least temporarily, broken free of our Enemy’s control. The Right Wing has, at least for the moment, been cleverly coerced into challenging our Enemy’s power, (after providing our Enemy with a reliably duped power base for so long). For all that we perceive as his clownishness, Trump has seen that the very foibles of the confused and irrational Right Wing, which had been used to such devastating effect to bolster the power of the Elites for so long, could be leveraged against the very Elites who created it. He saw this path to power, and his overweening personal ambition compelled him to walk it.


Professor Solomon tells us that the ‘Right Wing’ is our enemy. He could not be more wrong. The ‘Right Wing’ is an artificial construct that our Enemy has created to divert our attention from himself. Our Enemy has used his power over the nation’s means of communication to skillfully manipulate people’s fears and irrational emotionality into a belief system, (which we call the Right Wing), that directly undermines their own self-interests. 


Naked propaganda. Outright lies. Subtle misinformation. These are the tools our Enemy has used. The ‘Right Wing’ is constructed from fear, prejudice, hatred, and every other human foible our Enemy has managed to stir up into this froth of a highly irrational, highly self-contradictory, and highly emotionalized belief system.  


In his failure to properly ‘identify the enemy’, Professor Solomon, despite all the magnitude of his brilliant intellect, his long and valuable experience, and his analytical acuity, concludes that what we must do now is help further empower the Democratic Party, an institution which we ALL can see is wholly controlled by the Power Elite, (our Enemy). We must help elect the candidate who enthusiastically supports our Enemy’s power. Professor Solomon concludes that our priority must be to defeat the candidate that is presenting a direct challenge to our Enemy’s power, while doing our best to ‘reform’ the corrupt party that lies completely in our enemy’s troth. 


Professor Schwartz comes right out and says it. He tells us that ‘...racist, anti-immigrant, misogynist and anti-Muslim politics must be defeated and defeated soundly’. Never mind mounting a fight against our true Enemy. Professor Schwartz wants us to fight against ethereal ‘issues’. Never mind focusing our energies and efforts on defeating the Elites that run our nation, and want to rule the world. Professor Schwartz is far too upset that the most favored and instinctual ideological precepts of the American Left have been violated. The ‘dog whistles’ are calling, and Professor Schwartz responds to them in an entirely predictable manner. ‘We must fight the very fight that our Enemy wants us to fight’, is what Professor Schwartz is telling us. We must fight the yeomen folk of our nation whose fears and foibles have been stirred into these primitive and self-defeating pitfalls. 


‘Racist, anti-immigrant, misogynist and anti-Muslim politics’ are NOT our enemy, folks. These are only tools that our enemy uses to divide us. It is precisely by thinking and acting as if these ‘issues’, are ‘the enemy’ that we makes ourselves into puppets, dancing on the end of our true Enemy’s strings.


What’s the Score?


In the game of politics we keep score by counting up how many are on our side, and how many are against us. The object of the game is not to fight blindly against those who are against us. The object is to get the most on our side. 


I have tried to get people on the American Left to see that we can never achieve our objectives with so many tens (hundreds?) of millions of the nation’s ‘yeoman folk’ against us. 19th Century industrialist Jay Gould’s old boast, ‘I can hire half the working class to kill the other half’, is every bit as true today as it ever was. 


The object of the ‘game of politics’ is to get the most people on our side. Currently, the most people are NOT on our side. The most people are under the bamboozled spell that our Enemy has cast over them. 


C’mon, folks. Let’s take a glance at the scoreboard. Do we REALLY think we are as close to ‘taking the lead’ as so many among us like to claim we are? Do we REALLY think the time has come to draw our swords and charge into the teeming, confused, but well-armed ranks of the Common Citizens who oppose us?  


I have tried to get people to understand that our task is NOT to fight this teeming army of the misinformed. Our task is to address that army’s highly confused and self-contradictory belief system. Our task is to resolve the highly emotionalized fears and confusions among the nation’s folk, who populate the Right Wing, not fight against them in knee-jerk reaction to what they have been bamboozled by our true Enemy into believing. We can just plain and simply NEVER achieve our objectives with so many of the nation’s folk against us. 


When we decide that the nation’s confused ‘folk’, the Right Wing, are our Enemy, when we decide that their irrational fears and confused belief systems make them only worthy of being despised by us, we are just dancing on strings. We are fighting exactly the fight that our Enemy wants us to fight, and in so doing we are not only turning away from fighting our Enemy himself, we are agreeing to fight the very people we need to win to our side, and thus are directly harming the most vital interests of our cause.  


‘Divide and rule’. Get the rubes to fight each other, and they will be too lost in those efforts to fight us. Devastating....... It works like a fatal charm........


Pick Neither Poison


I am certainly not suggesting that we should give any support to Trump, just because he gives lip service to opposing our true Enemy’s agenda. We can ALL see that he is NOT a man to be trusted. He serves no ‘cause’. He only serves his own ambition. Once in power, he might do anything, without adhering to anything he has said before. He might very well realize that challenging this powerful Enemy can have FATAL consequences, for example, and cut an expedient deal with them. (If I were a ‘gambler’, that’s where I’d put my money).    


But why would anyone think we should support his opponent, who fully and enthusiastically supports our Enemy’s agenda, without a trace of hesitation or reservation? Why will we agree to play in this game at all, when we ALL can see that it is a rigged game? We ALL can see that it has been rigged by our Enemy, to give him every advantage, at every turn? Why even play it at all? Why not create our own game? Why not ACT? Why must we always REACT?


Senator Sanders’ much vaunted ‘political revolution’ has already ended, folks. It ended the moment he declared that our priority must be to defeat Trump. It ended the moment he threw his support to our true Enemy’s self-avowed champion, and duped us into concentrating all our attention and efforts on the meaningless symbolism of the ‘party platform’.


It actually had ‘ended’ before it even began. It ‘ended’ when Senator Sanders PROMISED, over a year ago, that he would support the Democratic Party, and its candidate, if they would give him permission to run a campaign within their party. (He was not even a Democrat, let’s recall). 


The ‘judas goat’ is even now, before our very eyes, doing his best to lead the sheep back into the Enemy’s corral, (as was always so predictable that he would). All his genuine and sincere passion is now reduced to pathetic efforts to try to convince us that having some limp-noodle effect on the meaningless symbolism of ‘the platform’ will represent ‘victory’ for us. 


Senator Sanders’ ‘political revolution’ was never an authentic ‘revolution’, of course. It was never any more than a political campaign. It never had a chance to prevail in a rigged contest. It was predictably defeated. This entire story was written before the events played out.


It was NOT a victory, folks. We did NOT win. We LOST! (And yet we claim trophies, we name our ‘victories’, even as we now grovel in our disarray and confusion, in our obvious defeat). 


Revolution? We want a genuine ‘political revolution’? That is a MUCH different game. A political campaign that ends with its champion urging his followers to support their Enemy is NOT a revolution!


If Senator Sanders were a true ‘revolutionary’, he would continue to lead his forces to fight for their cause. He would not care which party or the other might benefit in the short term from our fight against our true Enemy. He would know that it is the long term that matters. He would fight on through the election, and far beyond. He would lead his forces to the ballot box, and then, when all the votes are counted, he would lead them into the streets. He would see that fighting for our cause under a Trump regime, or a Clinton regime, would make no definitive difference. Each would offer certain advantages, and certain other disadvantages.  


Senator Sanders is clearly NOT a revolutionary. He is a US Senator, and as such, is a card-carrying member of ‘the Establishment’. He dutifully swore an oath of fealty early on in the process. It WAS over a year ago, long before the first vote was cast or counted, that he promised that he would support the Democratic Party’s nominee if he lost. He would NEVER have been allowed to even participate in this corrupt party’s rigged process had that blood oath not been sworn. 


Revolution? C’mon, folks.... We do great disservice to the true meaning of this word when we use it so carelessly. Have we really deceived ourselves so thoroughly that we truly believe that this charade we are witnessing, as we now cast about in aimless confusion, as our ostensible ‘leader’ has joined our Enemy’s camp, (exactly as he promised he would), deserves to be called a ‘revolution’? (Isn’t it fun to cry ‘Wolf!’? What will we cry when the wolf really comes?)


If we want to give more than lip service to this word ‘revolution’, if we want to do more than play ‘make believe’ by perverting its meaning into meaninglessness, the first step we must take is to ‘identify the enemy’. We must come to understand against whom our fight must be waged.  


As long as we fail to clearly identify whom it is we must fight, as long as we foolishly fight the fights our Enemy wants us to fight, as long as we so agreeably dance on the end of these strings, the very idea that we have any ability to cause or foment a genuine ‘political revolution’ is just a giant exercise in self-delusion.  


Identify the Enemy.......


‘If you know the enemy, and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory won you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy, nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle’ - Sun Tzu


Do we think we can defy such ancient wisdom? REALLY?? On the American Left we cannot seem to properly identify our enemy, and self-awareness is a rare commodity. 


C’mon, folks.....We can awaken from these follies.......We can do this........



Courtesy Shamireaders

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