Another call for a New Independent Commission to re-investigate controlled demolitions of WTC Towers
by Link damaged on 06 Sep 2011 0 Comment
September 11, 2011 will be the 10th anniversary of the sudden collapse and pulverization of three World Trade Center (WTC) towers (1, 2 & 7), only two of which were hit by planes. The main structure that were not reduced to fine powder were 47 massive steel core columns, each 100 stories tall, that were sectioned by highly explosive thermite cutter charges, into 30 feet lengths, ready to be trucked away. A number of these sectioned steel beams were hurled up to 600 feet away by the force of tremendous explosions and embedded into neighboring skyscrapers.

These realities are only a small part of the emerging provably true story that powerful forces have been trying to cover-up for the last 10 years, and the 10th anniversary will be produced to continue the myths that say that the towers came down by low temperature fires because of two planes striking the tops of two of the towers. A number of politically-motivated forces in the government, the military, the national security agencies, the major media, Wall Street, various war-profiteering corporations and who knows who else are still intent on continuing the massive “Cover-up of the Crime of the Century” that was unleashed on that fateful date.

These groups are obviously trying to keep the very unconvincing lie going as long as possible until they can find a way to excuse themselves for their complicity in the crime or the cover-up. Maybe they don’t yet know how to save face for being part of the crime. Perhaps they are part of a coup attempt and are hoping that will be successful and won’t every have to face criminal charges (covering up a crime is itself a crime). Maybe they feel obligated to continue to justify the endless illegal wars that were started in Afghanistan and Iraq because of that crime.

Whatever is being planned for the official 10th anniversary 9/11 commemoration events, you can be sure that there will be a lot of money spent at Ground Zero.

Lots of living and dead NYFD firefighters will be appropriately recognized and their sufferings lamented, but the New York firefighters who witnessed (and are courageously willing to testify about) the multiple explosions all over the Twin Towers (including the sub-basements) even before the buildings started to come down) will not be interviewed on national TV or radio, because to do so will destroy the myths that have now been established as pseudo-fact.

There are too many revelations about the crime of 9/11 to believe the official conspiracy theories/lies anymore. These truths need to be told and the perpetrators of the lies need to be exposed and brought to justice.

Was Rudy Giuliani Guilty of Tampering With Crime Scene Evidence?

The easily debunked Conspiracy Theories so vigorously laid out by the Cheney/Bush/Rove/Rumsfeld/Rice/Ashcroft et al Administration depend on this ridiculous premise: that steel-reinforced skyscrapers can be brought down by brief jet fuel fires (that are, incidentally, totally incapable of even softening steel beams, much less instantly melting them and sectioning them into shovel-ready lengths for rapid export to third world nations, which they were). The removal of these multiple 30 foot sections conveniently eliminated them from the possibility of forensic examination as crime scene evidence - a federal crime that should have placed New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who ordered that destruction of the crime scene evidence, in the interrogation box in some court of law or other.

What really happened on 9/11/01, contrary to the mainstream media-promulgated Cheney/Bush Mother-of-All Conspiracy Theories, has now been established without a doubt: 9/11 was an Inside Job and the official 9/11 Commission Report was a fraud committed by bought-off people loyal to the Bush administration.

The multitude of established and provable facts that totally refute the Official White House Conspiracy Theory have been flooding in for 10 years now, thanks to the hard investigative work of thousands of the brightest, smartest, most intelligent and most ethical people known to man, and they have done that work knowing that they have a lot to lose as relates to reputation, employability and possible scorn directed at them from a fearful, brain-washed public that never bothered to look at the huge number of provable facts that refute the Official story.

The Official Conspiracy Theory Stories About 9/11 Were Planned Well Ahead of Time

All that many people want to know is that, within minutes of the collapses of the WTC towers, the pictures of 19 young Arabs, none of whom were listed on any of the manifests of the four planes that were allegedly hijacked that day (6 of whom have been found to be alive and well in the Mid-East), were being officially accused of the crime.

The other story that convinced most people that 9/11 wasn’t an inside job is that Osama bin Laden was accused, without any hard evidence, of being the alleged mastermind of the crime. The assumption was, since his picture was shown on TV a lot, he must have been guilty. These pictures were produced, camera-ready, within a few minutes of the implosions and collapses of the towers.

In a number of interviews (all censored out of the American media), Bin Laden repeatedly denied that he had anything to do with 9/11; but soon a fabricated “admission” videotape of a right-handed person barely resembling the left-handed bin Laden was later “discovered” by the US military in Afghanistan and also repeatedly shown on American TV, an obvious bit of propaganda that most Americans fell for. Interestingly, the FBI never listed bin Laden on their most wanted list for being a part of 9/11 because there was insufficient evidence to accuse him of the deed. He was, however, wanted by the FBI in connection with other crimes for which he was a suspect.

We Were Duped! The Official White House Conspiracy Theory has been Disproven

One of the many “clinchers” that have put the lie to the official White House conspiracy theory is the scientific finding, by Brigham Young University physics Professor Stephan Jones, Danish scientist Niels Harrit and others (Jones was eventually fired by BYU for poking his nose into areas where he was not wanted) was their examination of many samples of the dust at Ground Zero and the findings of large amounts of weapons-grade nanothermite, a highly explosive, high heat-generating incendiary substance that is only available to the US military and is only used for demolition purposes. (For more on this issue, check out:

And that is only one of many new findings. There are now large numbers of clear-headed scholars, scientists and thinkers around the world just like Dr. Jones. Dr. James Fetzer is one of them. Fetzer and Jones, appropriately suspicious of the official story, co-founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth soon after 9/11. There are also millions of equally critical thinkers worldwide who have seen through the provably-untrue conspiracy theories about who and what the people who conspired to carry out the controlled demolitions want the world to believe about 9/11/01.

Anyone who had access to a television set back on 9/11/01 saw, over and over again, previously filmed video images of large jet planes melting into WTC skyscrapers 1 & 2, but no large media outlet showed the obviously controlled demolition of tower #7 later that day (at 5:20 pm).

The Scandalous 9/11 Commission Investigation Ignored the Known Science

There are any number of false statements, omissions and ignored testimony that resulted in what is known to be the fraudulent official 9/11 Commission Report. The White House appointees to that commission were mostly high-ranking political allies of the Bush administration, in whose interest it was not to get to the truth about 9/11.

(Suspiciously, and amazingly, the collapse of WTC 7 was never mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report! WTC # 7 was a 47 story steel-reinforced skyscraper that was a couple of blocks away from the twin towers. It was not hit by a plane and only had a few unexplainable small fires on lower floors when, as WTC owner Larry Silverstein admitted in a public television interview, he and other officials, because of the “tremendous loss of life”, decided to “pull it” [“pull it” is demolition industry jargon for bringing down a building by pre-planted explosive devices].)

Within 60 – 90 minutes after the two Twin Towers were hit by planes (with the fires burning out rapidly), each tower exploded, starting with the upper portions of each building, creating pyroclastic flows of fine dust that are only seen in volcanoes (recall Mount St. Helens) and in the controlled demolitions of skyscrapers. Each of the three buildings fell at freefall speeds (meaning that the solid structures below the burned-out upper floors had been blasted into smithereens and therefore were able to come down at free-fall speed).

All three skyscrapers fell directly into their footprints - as happens with all computer-controlled demolitions of skyscrapers that are orchestrated by teams of highly skilled demolition experts. The pulverization of the Twin Towers was so total that there was nothing left of any of the 220 floors of the two buildings, despite the fact that each floor was an acre in size and made of steel-reinforced concrete. This reality should totally destroy the ridiculous official theory of a pancake collapse of towers 1 & 2 (which, for any number of scientific reasons, was impossible).

Every honest demolition expert on the planet who has studied the videos of the collapses on 9/11 will testify, if his job or life isn’t on the line, that the buildings were imploded and not brought down by fires or jet planes. There is no debate about that fact among honest scientists.

Every well-trained scientific expert, including the over 1400 courageous architects and engineers that are members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( will point out as supporting evidence against the official theory the numerous “squibs” of exploding smoke that are seen on all slow-motion videos of the Twin Towers collapses, occurring just below the leading edge of the collapsing buildings. These squibs represent internal heat-generating, high energy explosives designed to sever steel beams so that the buildings will collapse in their own footprint, leaving minimal damage to adjacent structures.

Explosions in the Buildings Before They Fell

TV commentators reporting live on the scene that morning interviewed scores of eyewitnesses who testified that they had heard multiple bombs going off at the bases of the buildings before either of the Twin Towers fell. Reporting live and un-edited, many of these journalists said that they themselves had heard explosions in the buildings while the towers were still standing. Those truthful stories were never repeated by these journalists on TV again. But they were recorded and are now used as evidence to debunk the official story!

Since 9/11/01 there have been an increasing number of intelligent, courageous people, including scholars, philosophers, theologians, religious leaders, scientists, physicists, chemists, architects, engineers, intelligence agents, demolition experts, airline pilots, medical professionals, military veterans, etc who have recognized that the official White House theories are patently absurd, anti-scientific, illogical and provably false. These diverse groups have accumulated a tremendous amount of documented evidence, all of which is accessible on their websites. A list of links to such websites can be found at most 9/11 Truth websites.

The mainstream media’s complicity in the suppression of the truth about 9/11and the illegalities of the ensuing wars are, it seems to me, not only criminal but also treasonous. Therefore, the searchers for truth, especially those in the peace, justice, antiwar and reconciliation movements need to stand up and demand justice in the form of a truly independent commission that does not disregard important witness testimony or the clear scientific evidence that disproves the official version of 9/11. If that re-investigation doesn’t happen, justice will continue to be denied for the thousands of American victims of the WTC collapses (the sickened and prematurely dying Ground Zero rescuers, cleanup crews and their families), the thousands of dead, dying and wounded US soldiers who were deceived into fighting in the illegal wars and the millions of their Muslim enemy-victims who were innocent of the crimes of 9/11, especially the women and children. And if justice continues to be denied, the America that we used to know and used to love will continue to disappear into the neo-fascist police state reality that is already gathering speed.

Dr. Kohls is a member of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth (, one of the many 9/11 Truth groups that are calling for a new unbiased investigation into 9/11.

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